Industrial Powder Mixer Machine

BENEFITS OF RIBBON BLANDER Sanitary design-heavy gauge, stainless steel construction. Bearing mounted on lanterns outside of mixing container to avoid contamination. Wide range of Availability. Feeding through a hopper mounted on top of blender. SALIENT FEATURES Available in two shapes - U & W. U-for Low to Medium volume Capacity (single shaft). W-for Large to Mega volume Capacity (double shaft). Batch size based on 65% of Blender volume. All contact parts in stainless steel 304. Bearing mounted on lanterns out of mixing zone to avoid Cross contamination. Feeding through a charging port mounted on top of the blender. Reduced Material handling due to side discharge facility of processed materials. Monoblock Design avoids Cross Contamination Meets all cGMP / cGEP standards Air purge on the side entryseals for bettercross contamination control Continuous Ribbon design for complete discharge of the finished product. Variable frequency drive for fine tuning the Shear energy at different stages of Blending Belt driven power transmission for Quieter environment and less maintenance. Reduced material handling with Top mounted charging port and Side discharge arrangement for Total containment. Bearing mounted on the lanterns outside the Mixing zone to avoid Cross contamination. Paddle style agitator instead of Ribbon for Blending fragile materials. Capacity available 50 Kg to 2500 Kg
offering Stainless Steel Ribbon Mixer . The given mixer is widely used for mixing egg white, dough, and fresh cream. It comes with a removable bowl and can work at 3 different speeds to offer effective mixing and beating of materials. Clients can avail it in various working capacities.
Noiseless operation Best quality stainless steel used Rugged construction Flameproof Specification: Available in working capacities of 5 liter to 500 liter Mixing bowl is made portable to facilitate comfortable transporting , washing etc. Various types of beaters can be provided for different materials Motorized, manual lifting and sliding arrangement possible for bowl Flame proof construction optional.